My Platform

I seek this office because of a deep commitment to public education and community service.

I bring no particular agenda or axe to grind to the campaign.   I will listen and learn as a member of the MCSB.  I will listen to our students, their parents, our teachers, and school administrators.  And, I will listen to the citizens and taxpayers of Madison and their representatives, the Board of Supervisors.

I do bring certain definite convictions and principles to this possible role.
·      Public education is an essential aspect of our democratic society. 
o   A democratic society cannot function without an educated citizenry and the public schools are our first means of nurturing such a citizenry.  
o   Public education is also an essential mechanism for preventing a widening of the gap between the haves and the have nots that threatens a truly democratic society.
·      Our public schools should serve all our students.
o   We should be very proud of those with great academic potential who excel in the classroom and support their ambitions to succeed at top tier universities.
o   A much greater number will go to less prestigious colleges and universities, including community colleges.  We need to pay greater attention to their preparation for college work.
o   Equally important is our responsibility to those who will go directly into the workforce or public service.  They too must have the knowledge and skills for success and citizenship.
·      All students should be given the opportunity and expected to learn to write grammatically, think critically, and to exercise their citizenship responsibilities knowledgably.
·      All students must be prepared for the age of technology.  Whether college or workforce bound, all students must be computer and technology literate.  The jobs in the 21st century economy will require such literacy.
·      Students, teachers, and administrators must be made accountable for learning and teaching.
o   Standardized testing is part, but only a part, of the necessary structures of accountability.
o   The School Board should be an advocate with parents, students, teachers, and administrators in helping to overcome the tyranny of testing that threatens quality education.
o   Teachers and administrators should be provided the resources and opportunities to excel and maintain competency throughout their careers. 
o   Teachers and administrators who do not meet minimum expectations of competency should be encouraged to find other means of employment.
·      The School Board should be an advocate for public education before the public and the Board of Supervisors.
o   A relationship of trust between the School Board and the Board of Supervisors is essential.
o   Both boards are accountable to the citizenry.  The Board of Supervisors should not micromanage the school system.
·      Teachers and administrators, including the Superintendent, are responsible to the School Board.  The school administration works for the citizenry through the School Board.   The School Board should not only represent the school administration, but also manage its work..
·      First Amendment protections of religious liberty as they relate to the public schools should be fully respected.
o   No teacher, administrator, or employee of the government should lead students in prayer or any other religious practice.
o   No student or teacher should be discriminated against on the basis of his or her religious belief or non-belief.
o   Students should not be restricted in the free exercise of their beliefs or non-beliefs so long as that exercise is not disruptive of normal educational and extra-curricular activities.
Teachers should be empowered to teach about the historical and contemporary role of religion in society in an appropriate academic manner.

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